SLEEP.EXE is a free Windows command line program that makes the computer enter a power-saving state.
By default, SLEEP.EXE makes the computer enter "suspend" mode. The state of the operating system is stored in RAM, which will remain powered. The advantage to this mode is that the computer can be woken up quickly. Pressing any key will bring the computer back to normal operation.
SLEEP.EXE can also make the computer enter "hibernate" mode by specifying the /h switch. The state of the operating system is stored on the hard drive. The computer will take much longer to wake up than "suspend" mode, but because there is no need to power the RAM, almost no electricity is used. It is necessary to press the power button to wake the computer from hibernation.
By default, SLEEP.EXE makes the computer enter "suspend" mode. The state of the operating system is stored in RAM, which will remain powered. The advantage to this mode is that the computer can be woken up quickly. Pressing any key will bring the computer back to normal operation.
SLEEP.EXE can also make the computer enter "hibernate" mode by specifying the /h switch. The state of the operating system is stored on the hard drive. The computer will take much longer to wake up than "suspend" mode, but because there is no need to power the RAM, almost no electricity is used. It is necessary to press the power button to wake the computer from hibernation.
SLEEP [/f] [/h] [/m] [/nologo] [/nr] [/ns] [/r] [/w#]
/f | Force the computer to sleep. Otherwise, any running application will be able to prevent the computer from sleeping if it so chooses. |
/h | Hibernate instead of suspending. Go here for an explanation of how to enable hibernation. |
/m | Turn the monitor off. |
/nologo | Suppress the title banner. |
/nr | Don't report the current power status. |
/ns | Prevent entering sleep mode. The power status will still be reported. |
/r | Reboot instead of suspending. |
/w# | Wait for the specified number of milliseconds. This does not enter sleep mode, it simply pauses before the sleep.exe process terminates. |
Sleep 3.0 - Power Management Utility -
Copyright (C) 2000-2019 by Greg Wittmeyer - All Rights Reserved
AC Line Status: Online
Battery charge: No Battery
Entering sleep mode...ok
- SLEEP.EXE uses the SetSuspendState() API function in Kernel32.dll.
- SLEEP.EXE works on Windows XP or later.
Click the button below to download version 3.0 of SLEEP.EXE, released July 4th, 2019.