DJ Jukebox Revision History
Version 33.0 (January 17th, 2025)
- Edit Tags: added the ability to view and change the album art in Ogg Vorbis files.
- Edit Tags: added the ability to edit a Ogg Vorbis's Gain parameter.
- Copy Selected Songs: Convert To MP3: added support for converting DTS files.
- Keystrokes: added the ability to send multimedia keystrokes. These are named "play", "stop", "next", and "prev".
- Find Duplicate Songs: this tool can now detect when two songs have an identical filepath. Previously that type of duplication was not reported.
- Added the "Close Player Before Playing" option to the Details tab. This is beneficial for Kodi which cannot transfer a command line to a running instance.
- Paste Songs: this will no longer add songs that are already present in the Song Table.
- Convert To MP3: added support for downmixing 5.0, 5.1, and 7.1 to mono by incorporating the center and surround channels.
- Convert To MP3: added support for WAV's with 32-bit PCM samples.
- Convert To MP3: added support for source files with 5 channels (i.e. 5.0, 5.1 was already supported).
- Convert To MP3: this now logs some encoder settings.
- FLAC encoder: added the ability to decode DTS audio and re-encode it in FLAC (use the new /dts switch).
- FLAC encoder: if the source file has 32-bit samples, the output file will be 32-bit. Previously, it was downmixed to 24-bit.
- Added keystroke defaults for Kodi.
- Added the "mp3dec.exe" command-line utility, which decodes MP3 files to WAV's.
- List All Damaged Songs: added an option to report MP3's whose bit rate is below a specified threshold.
- List All Damaged Songs: detection of mono songs is now optional, and will work on many different file types, not just MP3.
- List All Damaged Songs: the log for an individual song is now limited to 5000 characters.
- Use Non-Default Media Player: this is now tolerant of a quoted filepath.
- Convert To MP3: added an "Explore" button to the Output Folder field.
- Find All Songs: the Browse tool will now default to the last folder in the list.
- Find All Songs: this will now disable the Filter automatically.
- Added to the Interface Editor the ability to control the spacing between toolbar icons.
- On first-use, the drop-down list "Use Non-Default Media Player" is now pre-populated with all media players that are detected to be installed.
- WOL Password: when pasting a password, if the clipboard contains unicode, an error will now appear. Previously the password would not work and the user would have no idea why.
- mp3enc.exe: added the /nos switch, which suppresses reporting of the target file size and compression rate.
- Discard Nonexistent Songs: added Copy/Save As Print/Exit buttons to the bottom of the log window.
- Fixed: when printing the help file, list bullets were not drawn in the correct size or position.
- Fixed: MP3 encoder: downmixing to stereo was not always working with ideal quality.
- Fixed: MP3 encoder: possible crash when encoding an 8-bit file.
Version 32.0 (7/24/2024)
- Convert To MP3: this can now downmix 5.1 and 7.1 to stereo by incorporating the center and surround channels. Previously, those channels were simply thrown out.
- Convert To MP3: added support for source files with 24-bit samples.
- Convert To MP3: added support for FLAC's with 32-bit samples.
- Added the "dtsdec.exe" command-line utility, which decodes DTS files to WAV's.
- FLAC encoder: added support for 24-bit WAV files in PCM format.
- FLAC encoder: added support for 32-bit WAV files in PCM format. Previously only floating point format was supported when 32 bits.
- FLAC encoder: added support for WAV files that use WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE.
- Edit Tags: added the ability to edit the Gain parameter for .WAV and some .DTS files.
- Edit Tags: multiple songs: if "Set All" is checked, choosing a genre from the drop-down list will now immediately apply to all songs.
- Added keystroke defaults for MPC-BE.
- Find All Songs: it is now reported if any folder does not exist.
- Copy Selected Songs: the "Convert FLAC's to MP3's" option has been renamed "Convert to MP3" and will now also convert WAV files.
- The Song Table will now remember which cell has focus between sessions.
- Set Ratings For Selected Songs: added an option to reset the Picks column.
- List All Damaged Songs: the "No Gain Tag" option now works on .WAV and some .DTS files.
- List All Damaged Songs: this now reports if a song is mono rather than at least stereo.
- List All Damaged Songs: there is now a limit of 5 reported bad frames to limit the size of the log. Some files may have thousands of these errors.
- Edit Tags: the file created/modified dates now support unicode characters (used in some rare localized date formats).
- Find Duplicates: the reported dates now support unicode characters.
- Find All Songs: added Copy/Save/Print/Exit buttons to the bottom of the log window.
- Check Song Table For Errors: the Discard tool now scrolls the Song Table to where the row was discarded. Also, it now has a hotkey: Delete
- Check Song Table For Errors: this window will now close automatically if the project is closed.
- Normalize Filenames: this now converts unicode single quotes to ASCII single quotes.
- mp3enc.exe now allows a target folder to be specified when the source contains a wildcard.
- flacenc.exe now allows the target argument to specify a folder instead of a file.
- Song Table Statistics: numbers are now formatted using the system's "Time & Language" settings rather than always using American format.
- Set Ratings For Selected Songs: this now reports how many songs are selected.
- Copy Selected Songs: added an "Explore" button to the Target Location field.
- Convert To MP3: on error, a secondary error code will be reported if available.
- Find All Songs: this now deduplicates the list of locations to search.
- Find All Songs: this now includes the .dts extension.
- List All Damaged Songs: the log now reports the total number of files processed.
- Dialog buttons now have rounded sides.
- Various tools will now use https: instead of http: when using the website. Some users have security settings that prevent the use of unencrypted HTTP. This includes: Purchase License, Check For Update, Contact Us, Home Page, Support, Spell Checker.
- Fixed: Convert To MP3: if the source audio format is not understood, there is now a more sensible error message.
- Fixed: flacenc.exe was failing to output a proper error message if the output .flac file was locked.
- Fixed: List All Damaged Songs: this tool could possibly fail to test any songs if none were selected, whereas it should test them all.
- Fixed: joined songs could not be played with the Play Unrated and Play Fresh tools.
- Fixed: Check Song Table For Errors: after discarding a song, no row would have focus.
- Fixed: the "Choose Playlist" dialog was not sorting the playlists correctly with respect to unicode characters.
- Fixed: Find All Songs: this was not working with just a drive letter and colon (e.g. "c:") (since 26.0).
Version 31.0 (March 24th, 2024)
- Edit Tags: added the ability to view and change the album art in FLAC files.
- Edit Tags: added the ability to edit a M4A's Gain parameter.
- Generate From Artist: added a search box where you can type some text to filter the list of artists.
- Convert To MP3: this will now preserve the album art if possible.
- List All Damaged Songs: added an option to list songs with no Gain tag.
- Edit Tags: updated TagLib from 1.13.0 to 2.0.0
- Normalize Filenames: Convert To Title Case: this now takes care to leave certain things in lower case, such as "(bonus)" and "(live)".
- Any folder with a prefix of "CD1" or "Disc 2" for example will no longer be considered the name of the album, the parent folder will. Since 29.0 this was supported if the entire folder name was "CD1", but now any text is allowed to follow it.
- List All Damaged Songs: added an option to only examine selected songs.
- List All Damaged Songs: this no longer operates on songs hidden by the Filter.
- Check Song Table For Errors: added a "Discard" button that will remove the selected row with an error from the Song Table.
- The "Bad" column now allows you to set a range of checkboxes by holding down the Shift key.
- Convert To MP3: added an "Explore" button to the bottom of the log window.
- flacenc.exe will now encode a 32-bit WAV as 24-bit rather than 16-bit.
- List All Damaged Songs: numerous improvements to the summary at the bottom.
- Edit Tags: Album Art: Browse: the last chosen folder will be remembered.
- Edit Tags: Album Art: the image size is now automatically reduced to 1024x1024 if necessary.
- Store IP Address To File: added an "Open" button.
- If no project is opened, the menu options are no longer disabled. Instead, if a tool is launched, it will prompt you to open a project.
- Check Song Table For Errors: the results window will now remember its position and column widths.
- Redesigned the "Blues" skin.
- Fixed: when saving new album art for an .M4A file, the image was incorrectly being tagged as JPEG rather than PNG.
- Fixed: when saving an MP3's gain tag, due to a case sensitivity bug, a second tag could be created, but only the first would be honored, causing the change to go unheeded.
Version 30.0 (September 28th, 2023)
- Copy Selected Songs: the "Overwrite existing files" option has been replaced with a combobox that has four modes: "Skip", "Overwrite", "Keep Both", and "Prompt".
- Search and Replace: Auto-Rename Files: when multiple songs are on one row separated by semi-colons, all the songs will now rename properly.
- Play Album: regarding the order of the songs, if no track numbers are present in the filenames, the meta tags for each song will be used to determine the track numbers.
- Delete File: this now supports multiple songs on one row separated by semi-colons.
- Convert To MP3: added support for 8-bit FLAC's.
- List All Damaged Songs: added the ability to log all songs marked 'Bad'. For this reason the List Bad Songs tool is now redundant and has been removed.
- List All Damaged Songs: added the option to not analyze songs marked 'Bad'.
- List All Damaged Songs: added the option to not analyze songs rated 0.
- Copy Selected Songs: the "Abort" button is now responsive during the conversion of a FLAC to an MP3.
- Play Unrated: if the filter is enabled, and there are less than 4 songs visible, no popup window will appear, and the filter will be automatically disabled.
- When a song is renamed or moved, this now updates the memory of recently played songs that is used for repetition prevention.
- Copy Selected Songs: added Copy/Save/Print/Exit buttons to the bottom of the log window.
- Find Duplicate Songs: this now displays the quality of the file.
- Strip Track Number: this now supports the format "(1) Example.mp3"
- Find All Songs: the taskbar button now shows a "marquee" to indicate the operation is running.
- Search and Replace: there is now an error if the replacement string contains a tab character.
- Use Non-Default Media Player: improved syntax checking and error reporting.
- Upgraded the FLAC module from 1.3.2 to 1.4.3
- Added the "Cerulean" skin. Redesigned the "Purples" skin and renamed it "Purpendicular".
- The interface icons have been slightly desaturated.
- When an error popup window is visible, the taskbar button will now be red.
- List All Damaged Songs: this tool no longer runs in a separate process.
- Fixed: menus did not support fixed-pitch fonts.
- Fixed: Rename/Move Folder: when a parent folder is being removed from the chain, an empty folder could be left on the hard drive.
- Fixed: Delete File was not offering to delete empty folders.
Version 29.0 (May 16th, 2023)
- Added the "List All Damaged Songs" tool.
- Edit Tags: added the ability to edit a FLAC's Gain parameter.
- Any folder named "CD1" or "Disc 2" for example will no longer be considered the name of the album, the parent folder will.
- Convert To MP3: this now copies the Gain tag into the new MP3.
- Convert To MP3: this now supports .WAV files with more than 2 channels, even though MP3's are limited to 2 channels.
- Copy Songs: added an option to convert FLAC's to MP3's as they are copied. Use this if the songs are meant for a device that does not play FLAC's.
- flacenc.exe can now encode WAV files with more than 2 channels.
- Analyze MP3: added support for ID3v2.2 and ID3v2.4 frames, although both are rare.
- Generate From Decade/Year: this now supports the album name format like "Aqualung (1971 LP)" and "War [1983 remastered 2008]".
- Edit Tags: updated the taglib module from 1.12 to 1.13 (numerous improvements and bug fixes).
- Play Selections: this now remembers the selections for future Artist/Album/Name repetition prevention.
- Locate Song In Table: if the song is not found, and a filter is enabled, the filter is now automatically turned off and the search retried. Previously it was necessary to click the "No Filter" button.
- Play Unrated: if there is a filter applied and all visible songs are rated, the "All Songs Are Rated" popup will now have a "No Filter" button that turns off the filter.
- Play Fresh: if every song is being rejected due to repetition prevention, that feature will be temporarily turned off.
- Quick Search: added support for pasting a file.
- flacenc.exe now supports the specification of a folder. Previously it was necessary to add "*.wav" to the folder path.
- Artist Stats: for the order of albums, if the rating of two albums is tied, the average song rating is now the tiebreaker.
- The "Convert To MP3" tool can now be placed on the toolbar, although it is hidden by default.
- Convert To MP3: this now warns if the source has more than 2 channels, since MP3 only supports 2.
- Search Song Table: if a regex replacement string refers to a nonexistent substring (e.g. $1), this will now display an error.
- flacenc.exe now reports the length of the song.
- Generate/Play/Save: this now switches to the Playlist tab automatically.
- Edit Tags: the window position and selected tab are now remembered.
- Help file: Search tab: added two buttons that allow you to jump to the next/previous search occurrence.
- Added the ability to delete an item from the File History at the bottom of the File menu.
- First Time Greeting: removed the top banner.
- Fixed: Edit Tags: when finding the Gain, the search for the tag is now case insensitive per the spec.
- Fixed: Edit Tags: the Gain field could be populated with garbage if no Gain tag was present.
- Fixed: Edit Tags: there was no support for Gain and album art unless the .mp3 extension was lower case.
- Fixed: the "Volume Affects Device" setting might apply to the wrong audio device after an audio device is added or removed.
- Fixed: Analyze MP3: the list of ID3 frames was potentially incomplete or flawed.
Version 28.0 (October 26th, 2022)
- Edit Tags: added the ability to edit an MP3's Gain parameter.
- Edit Tags: added the ability to view and change the album art in M4A files.
- Convert To MP3: there is now a "Encoder Options" button that allows you to edit all of the MP3 encoder settings. Previously only the bit rate could be changed.
- Check Song Table For Errors: instead of stopping at the first error, all errors are now collated into a popup window.
- Toolbar volume synchronization can now handle the situation where an audio device has been added or removed.
- Analyze MP3: all ID3v2 frames are now reported.
- Convert To MP3: Update Song Table: all changes are now applied to the current playlist and all stored playlists.
- Added keystroke defaults for MusicBee.
- Improved the appearance of scrollbars.
- Removed many unnecessary 3D borders for a more modern look.
- Tightened up the layout in many places.
- Removed the divider bar above the buttons at the bottom of all windows.
- Groupboxes now have separate colors for text and border.
- Find All: the folder specification now handles pasting much better.
- Edit Tags (multiple files): Album Art: the Browse tool will now start in the most appropriate folder.
- The Edit Stored Playlist tool can now be launched even if there are no stored playlists, since it allows you to create one.
- Commercials table: added a Duplicate Rows tool.
- Song Table: the Alternating Rows and Row Dividers submenus now show what the "Default" option is defaulting to.
- Find Duplicate Songs: the taskbar button now turns red when a duplicate has been identified.
- Normalize Filenames: the log window now has a status bar across the top.
- Normalize Filenames: the total number of files is now reported at the bottom.
- When choosing a file from the history at the bottom of the File menu, if it does not exist, the error window now contains a "Explore" button that will open File Explorer to that folder.
- Fixed: if a popup window is created while the parent window is minimized, it could appear on the wrong monitor.
- Fixed: toolbar volume synchronization would stop working if the user changed the default audio device.
- Fixed: Edit Tags: when deleting album art, the tag was being left in the file, even though the pixel data was gone.
- Fixed: Edit Tags: clicking "Save" would always save the album art, even if it had not been changed.
- Fixed: Keystroke: Load Defaults: the Window Caption/Class was not being populated (since 27.0).
- Fixed: Convert To MP3: 24-bit FLAC's were producing audio artifacts.
Version 27.0 (April 6th, 2022)
- Rip CD: CDDB functionality has been restored thanks to the project.
- Edit Tags (multiple files): added the ability to assign album art to all of the songs in one step.
- Normalize Filenames: added the option to recover missing track numbers at the beginning of each song filename.
- Rip CD: unicode is now supported in all fields as well as in the CDDB information.
- Normalize Filenames: all changes are now applied to the current playlist and all stored playlists.
- Edit Stored Playlist: added a "Validate" tool that reports if any song in the playlist does not exist on the hard drive.
- Convert To MP3: the Output Folder is now created automatically if it does not already exist.
- Convert To MP3: added support for very large FLAC files.
- Edit Tags: updated the taglib module from 1.11.1 to 1.12 (numerous improvements and bug fixes).
- Copy Selected Songs: if no songs are selected, this now asks the user if all songs should be copied.
- Analyze MP3: the individual fields of a Lyrics3v2 tag are now reported.
- Tag Editor: this now reports the Bits Per Sample of a FLAC.
- Generate From Decade/Year: this now supports the album name format like "Revolver 1966".
- Clicking the "Apply Filter" button will now automatically check the "Table Filter:" box.
- Convert To MP3: added Copy/Save/Print/Exit buttons to the bottom of the log window.
- Copy Songs: the log window now has a summary bar across the top.
- Get Server Address From File: added an "Open" button.
- Keystrokes: the Media Player Caption/Class fields now support unicode.
- Store IP Address To File: unicode is now supported in the filepath.
- flacenc.exe: there are now some statistics reported about the output file's format.
- Edit Tags (multiple files): added a Help button.
- When choosing a file from the history at the bottom of the File menu, if it does not exist, the error window now contains a "Remove" button that will remove the file from the history.
- Help: the layout is now tighter. Numerous improvements to the Search tab.
- Fixed a bug that was causing an unnecessary usage of memory in many situations.
- Fixed: Import Songs From Project: this was overwriting the Song Table instead of appending.
- Fixed: Convert To MP3: if the operation is aborted, a temporary .WAV file could be left on the hard drive.
- Fixed: when in server mode, if a client sends keystrokes and the media player can't be found, no error was appearing on the Server Mode window.
- Fixed: Rip CD: after editing the contents of the Destination column, if the user immediately clicks "Rip CD", the changes were not taking effect.
Version 26.0 (June 6th, 2021)
- Edit Tags: on MP3 files, it is now possible to see and change the album art. This appears next to the "Comments" field. Click on the image to change it.
- The mute icon on the toolbar now synchronizes its state with the audio adapter, just like the volume.
- Generate From Decade/Year: this now supports album name formats such as "(1966) Revolver" and "[1966] Revolver".
- Edit Tags: the "Comments" tag now supports newlines.
- Edit Tags (multiple files): added a "Set All" checkbox. If checked, when you make a change to a table cell, that change will be applied to every cell in the column.
- Top 25: added a report on the highest rated decades.
- Convert To MP3: added the ability to create the .mp3 files in a different folder.
- Convert To MP3: added the "Preserve File Date" option.
- Copy Selected Songs: add the "Shuffle" option, which is useful for copying to a USB drive that will be used in a device that cannot shuffle itself.
- Find All Songs: the locations editbox now supports unicode.
- Commercials table: added buttons that will move the selected row up or down.
- flacenc.exe: added the /nis switch, which suppresses the display of information about the source file.
- When clicking on a control that is disabled because of an unchecked checkbox, the checkbox will flash briefly.
- Convert To MP3: the log window now has an "alert bar" across the top.
- Convert To MP3: the log now reports the total number of files that are of an unsupported type.
- Find Duplicate Songs: the date of each song is now reported. The Skip button now has a hotkey, Esc.
- Keystrokes table: added a "Duplicate" button.
- Edit Tags (multiple files): the column widths and window position are now remembered.
- Table Filter: added an "Apply" button, since it is not obvious that the Enter key can be pressed.
- flacenc.exe: the output filepath is now reported.
- The "Get server address from file" field now supports unicode.
- Added the "Seraph" skin.
- Numerous minor interface and installer improvements.
- Fixed: incrementing the Picks column didn't work if the cell in question had focus.
- Fixed: Edit Tags (multiple files): the Track and Year columns were sorting alphabetically, not numerically.
Version 25.0 (June 22nd, 2020)
- Edit Tags: if there are multiple songs selected in the Song Table, you can now edit the tags for all of them in one window.
- Generate From Decade/Year: this now supports the album name format where the year comes first, such as "1966-Revolver".
- Top 25: added a report on the highest rated years.
- Edit Tags: added support for unicode characters.
- Convert To MP3, mp3enc.exe: added support for unicode characters when copying tags from the original file to the new MP3.
- If the volume is changed externally, the volume slider on the toolbar now synchronizes automatically.
- When sending a command to a remote DJ Jukebox server, there is now an animated arrow moving across the Remote toolbar checkbox.
- If the Ctrl key is held down while clicking the "Generate" button or toolbar icon, the generated playlist will append to the existing playlist rather than overwriting it.
- Convert to MP3: added an option to lower the bitrate of the MP3 files.
- Analyze MP3: added support for the Fraunhofer VBRI tag.
- mp3enc.exe: added the /new switch, which ensures that an existing .mp3 file is not overwritten.
- flacenc.exe: statistics about the input file are now reported.
- Edit Tags: this will now remove the "Read Only" file attribute. Previously, there would be a cryptic error that the file could not be saved.
- Normalize Filenames: added Copy/Save/Print/Exit buttons to the bottom of the log window.
- Convert to MP3: the "Replace In Song Table" option is now remembered.
- Find Duplicate Songs: the size of the files is now reported.
- Keystrokes table: added buttons to move the current row up or down.
- Added a context-menu button to the bottom right of the Keystrokes and Commercials tables.
- The "Delete First Line" tool (F8) will now briefly show the line being highlighted before deleting it.
- Song Table Statistics: various minor improvements.
- The current tab is now remembered between sessions.
- Keystrokes table: Import From CSV: the keystroke buttons are now updated.
- Customize Toolbar: it is now possible to force a row-break.
- The toolbar will no longer lose the user's customization when a new version is installed and new icons have been introduced.
- Added the "Edit Tags" button to the bottom of the Playlist.
- It is now possible to enter djukebox.exe into the "Run" system dialog (Win+R) without a path.
- Rip CD: the FreeDB functionality has been removed as this service has been discontinued.
- Fixed: MP3 encoder: for CBR, the Xing tag was reporting 60% quality instead of 100%, although the underlying quality was not affected.
- Fixed: Analyze MP3: was not handling missing header fields in the Xing tag properly.
Version 24.0 (August 20th, 2019)
- Rip CD: added the ability to encode to the FLAC format.
- Added the "flacenc.exe" command-line utility, which converts WAV files to FLAC's.
- Convert To MP3: added the "Replace In Song Table" option, which will replace the FLAC/WAV file in the Song Table with the MP3. Previously it was necessary to do this manually.
- There is now an animation effect when switching tabs.
- Rename/Move Folder: if the Playlist tab is selected, the Old and New Folder fields are pre-populated with the path of the song on the line where the caret is located.
- The Song Table now obeys the operating system's mouse wheel speed.
- Quick Search: this now begins at whatever row has focus rather than where the last search ended.
- Find Duplicate Songs: the rating of each song is now displayed.
- mp3enc.exe: added the /r switch, which recursively enters subfolders.
- Song Table Statistics: added Copy/Save/Print/Exit buttons to the bottom.
- Import From iTunes: the rating mapping is now remembered.
- Generate From Decade/Year: the "No Years Found" error now shows an example of the required path structure and has a Help button.
- Edit Stored Playlist, Add Selections To Stored Playlist: the list of playlists is now alphabetized.
- Edit Tags: this will now display an error if neither the Playlist nor Songs tab is selected.
- Convert To MP3: the total number of successes and failures is now reported at the bottom of the log.
- Search: the row with the occurrence will not be scrolled to the middle if it is already visible.
- mp3enc.exe: this now produces an error if both a wildcard and a target filepath are specified.
- Top 25/Artist Stats: combining diacritics will no longer cause problems with the column widths.
- The ratings and picks columns now reject any character that is not a digit.
- The interface now supports mouse tilt wheel.
- Fixed: copy/paste could fail if another window has the clipboard open. Now it will retry many times over a brief period.
- Fixed: Add Selections To Stored Playlist: after clicking "Add", then pressing Escape, the next playlist could disappear from the list.
- Fixed: unminimizing on a secondary monitor was moving the window to the primary monitor.
- Fixed: error when saving a project to Google Drive.
- Fixed: Rename/Move Folder: the dialog was supposed to be modal.
- Fixed: the "Initialize Volume" scrollbar had so little reaction to the scroll arrows and mouse wheel that its movement was imperceptible.
- Fixed: Help: Print: some hyperlinks were not followed by the page number.
- Fixed: possible crash when right clicking on an editbox.
- Fixed: Edit Stored Playlist: when renaming a playlist, this now verifies that the new name doesn't already exist. Previously in this case, one of the playlists would be lost.
Version 23.0 (February 4th, 2019)
- Added the "Convert To MP3" tool, which converts FLAC and WAV files to MP3's.
- Added the "Generate From Year" tool.
- Edit Stored Playlist: this window now allows you to create, rename, and delete playlists.
- Added the "mp3enc.exe" command-line utility, which converts FLAC and WAV files to MP3's.
- Add Selections To Stored Playlist: this window now allows you to create and delete stored playlists.
- Select Certain Songs: added the ability to select by filename extension.
- Song Table Statistics: this now reports the total count of each file type.
- Top 25: added a report of the top artists by number of picks.
- Added the "Show 'Bad' Column" option to the Options menu. This allows you to hide the Song Table's "Bad" column.
- Most windows now calculate their width as a factor of the interface font size. Previously they were a factor of the screen size. This ensures that windows are the optimal size, even when the font is very small or very large relative to the screen.
- Song Table: when moving vertically from one cell to another, the caret will now try to maintain its horizontal position within the cell.
- The toolbar can now have more than one row of tools.
- Added the Ctrl+F9 hotkey, which will generate a new playlist and append it to the existing playlist.
- Auto-Start: added a new Action: Shuffle & Play.
- Test Server: if the test fails, there is now a "Retry" button.
- Playlist: added a context-menu button to the bottom right.
- Edit Stored Playlist: double clicking on the splitter will now set it to the optimal position.
- Volume Affects Device: it is now possible to clear the selection, which ensures that the project will never report that it has changed because an audio device has been installed or uninstalled.
- The WOL Password field now displays the password as asterisks.
- Each user that logs into the system now has a separate set of preferences and global settings.
- Rip CD: updated the LAME MP3 encoder from version 3.99.5 to 3.100
- Rip CD: FreeDB: slashes in the song filename are now replaced with a dash instead of a space.
- Rip CD: the MP3 encoder now defaults to CBR instead of VBR.
- Test Server: there is now a success/failure banner running across the top.
- Edit Tags: the "Analyze" tool is now much faster.
- The /? command line switch will now display the help file chapter on the command line.
- The Customize Toolbar window now remembers preferences such as its position and the table column widths.
- Fixed: Search Song Table: under certain conditions, changes to the Song Table were not being applied to the Playlist and Stored Playlists.
Version 22.0 (May 7th, 2018)
- Search Song Table: added support for Regular Expressions.
- Added the "Play Zero Rated Song" tool.
- Edit Stored Playlist: instead of choosing one playlist to edit, there is now a single window that allows you to select and edit any playlist.
- Select Certain Songs: added the ability to use the Picks column in the criteria.
- Generate From Artist: it is now possible to select multiple artists.
- Generate From Decade: it is now possible to select multiple decades.
- Search and Replace: when Prompt on Replace is enabled, all changes are now applied to the current playlist and all stored playlists.
- Added the /SP command line switch, which will shuffle and play a project's playlist.
- Normalize Filenames: the "Replace underscores with spaces" option is now executed before spaces are trimmed from the beginning and end of the filename.
- The "Detect" button next to the MAC Address field now reports the MAC addresses on the server, which makes more sense.
- Auto-Start Project: the Project field now has a drop down list containing all of the recently opened projects.
- Copy Songs: this now reports the total size of all copied songs.
- Find Duplicate Songs: while two songs are being compared, the progress will now update continuously and the Abort button will respond to the mouse. Duplicates can now be deleted even if the operation is aborted. Numerous other minor improvements.
- Test Remote: the error window now has a "Retry" button.
- Added a "Speak" tool to the Help viewer.
- The "Filter" drop-down list is no longer sorted, the most recent filter used will always be at the top.
- Song Table: added a context-menu button to the bottom right.
- Rip CD: updated the MP3 encoder module.
- Now supports installation to a path that contains unicode.
- Rip CD: while fetching FreeDB information, there is now an abortable progress window.
- Added the "Hyperborean" skin. Numerous other skin improvements.
- Delete File: this window will now remember its former position.
- Help: added the "Rectangle" Selection Mode, which is useful for copying columns of text.
- The toolbar's size can now be adjusted by hovering the mouse over it, holding down the Ctrl key, and spinning the mouse wheel.
- Song Table: the "Song Filename" column has been renamed to "Song Filepath".
- Fixed: changes to a repetition count were not being obeyed on the next generate.
- Fixed: rare error message about being unable to save the global settings file when using the /PS command line switch.
- Fixed: Search Song Table: if no row has focus, this was starting on the last row of the table instead of the first.
- Fixed: Search Song Table: if "Replace All" is unchecked, the row just searched was not retaining focus.
- Fixed: Search Song Table: if both "Prompt on Replace" and "Replace All" are unchecked, only the first occurrence within a cell was being replaced.
- Fixed: Volume Affects Device: this field was sometimes not remembering its value. A new technique is used to recall this field which is tolerant of minor changes to the device name.
- Fixed: the Detect MAC Addresses tool was not always reporting local adapters correctly.
- Fixed: Delete File: it was possible that not all rows would be deleted despite the files being correctly deleted.
Version 21.0 (July 31st, 2017)
- Added the "Generate From Decade" tool.
- Added the "Generate Appends" option to the Options menu. If checked, new playlists are inserted after the current playlist instead of overwriting it.
- Copy Songs: added an option to append the artist name to the filename.
- Table Filter: a history of past inputs is now available in a drop-down list.
- Wake On LAN: added the ability to specify a SecureOn password.
- Test Server: the name of each adapter is now reported, making it easier to find the appropriate one for Wake On LAN.
- Numerous interface improvements, especially regarding 4K monitors.
- Wake On LAN: added the ability to specify the destination port number.
- Enter Server Mode: if there is an error binding or listening on the socket, a retry will be performed every 5 seconds.
- The One Rating Column option is now checked by default. Most users probably prefer it this way.
- Song Table: Search and Replace: the changes are now also applied to the current playlist.
- Implemented a new and improved random number generator, which is used by many features. Also, the "Play Unrated Song" tool was not as random in its selection as it should be.
- Find Duplicate Songs: this now works properly with joined songs. Previously, it would delete the entire row. Now it only discards the duplicate song from the list of joined songs, keeping the row and the other joined songs.
- Find All Songs: the Browse tool now provides access to network shares.
- Copy Songs: past entries for the Target Location field will now be remembered in a drop-down list.
- Auto-Start Project: this dialog now has a field for selecting the project. Previously, it always used the currently open project.
- The "Detect MAC Addresses" and "Test Server" tools no longer report the useless Loopback interface.
- After toggling the Table Filter, focus will now go back to the Song Table.
- Append Selections To Stored Playlist: the last playlist chosen is now pre-selected.
- Play Fresh/Unrated: the selected song is no longer scrolled to the center if it is already visible.
- Project Properties: all fields now support unicode.
- The "Play Selections Increments Picks" option now defaults to checked.
- Added a "Help" option to the bottom of the Import menu.
- Added the "Clipboard Inspector" tool to the Interface menu.
- Fixed: when maximized, the window's border could possibly be visible on a secondary monitor.
- Fixed: possible window flicker on 4K monitors, or when many System-G windows are open, or when kernel memory becomes scarce.
- Fixed: minor bugs in the Edit Tags tool.
- Fixed: when dragging and dropping a folder on the Song Table, duplicate file detection was not working.
- Fixed: the "Lock Project" option was preventing backups from being made.
- Fixed: Restore Project Backup: an error would occur if you specified to copy the backup to a new, non-existing file.
- Fixed: Search and Replace: if the "Auto-Rename" option is enabled in both the project and the search dialog, and "Prompt on Replace" is enabled, an error was being reported that the file could not be renamed, even though it was.
Version 20.0 (December 20th, 2016)
- Added the "One Rating Column" option to the Options menu. If checked, the Personal and Party ratings columns of the Song Table will be replaced with a single column.
- Edit Tags: numerous improvements, including crash and corruption bugfixes.
- Added the "Play Selections Affects Repetition" option to the Options menu.
- Select Certain Songs: added the ability to select all songs in the Playlist.
- Added keystroke defaults for Media Player Classic.
- Improved speed of searching and filtering.
- When renaming a file by editing the Song Filename column in the Songs Table, the change is now also applied to the current Playlist.
- Search: if a filter is active, and there are no matches, there is now a button to turn the filter off and try again.
- Find Duplicate Songs: added an "Explore" button for both files. Improved the window layout.
- Load Playlist: added the "Play Immediately" option.
- Import From iTunes: added the ability to control how the ratings are imported.
- The "Play Selections Increments Picks" option now also affects the "Play Fresh Song" and "Play Unrated Song" tools.
- Copy Songs: the destination folder now accepts unicode characters.
- When a global setting is changed, it will now be automatically applied to all other running instances. Previously, each instance held an independent copy of the global settings, and the global settings file was completely overwritten when an instance closed. If a global setting was changed while multiple instances were opened, the change would not affect the other instances, and might not be permanent depending on the order that the instances were closed.
- Added the "Import" menu, and moved some tools there.
- Add Selections To Stored Playlist: this now takes care not to add a song if it is already in the playlist.
- Shell Integration: the "Project" field now has a drop-down list of recent projects.
- Several tools now detect .DSF and .DFF files, which are in the Direct-Stream Digital format.
- Verify Playlist: this tool now appears on the Playlist menu. Previously it was only accessible by right clicking on the Playlist. Also made several minor improvements to it.
- Interface Menu: System Tools: added 32 new tools, including "Default Programs" which is particularly relevant to DJ Jukebox.
- Customize Toolbar: added a new column that contains an overview of the tool.
- The uninstaller now removes the project backups.
- The "MAC Address" field now allows periods.
- The "Adapter IP" setting has been renamed "Broadcast From".
- Fixed: Select Certain Songs: this tool could run very slowly when thousands of songs are being selected.
- Fixed: Multiply Ratings: if a cell in one of the ratings columns had focus, its rating was not being multiplied.
- Fixed: when dragging and dropping files on the Songs Table, duplicates were not being prevented (since 18.0).
- Fixed: when moving out of the Song Filename column on rows 2, 3, and 5, the text "0" would overwrite the Song Filename (since 17.0).
- Fixed: Find Duplicate Songs: was not handling joined songs correctly. On the final window, the last character in a filepath could be clipped (since 18.0).
Version 19.0 (May 9th, 2016)
- The volume control has moved from the right side of the window to the toolbar.
- Added the "Edit Stored Playlist" tool.
- Unicode Character Map: added the ability to create a list of favorite characters.
- Project filenames now support unicode characters.
- Import From iTunes: if the iTunes XML file cannot be found, the user is now provided with instructions on how to make iTunes share this file. Also, the error window now includes a "Retry" button.
- Import From iTunes: unicode characters in the song filepath are now supported.
- Unicode surrogate pairs are now supported.
- Added keystroke defaults for KMPlayer.
- Added the "Play Album Increments Picks" option to the Options menu.
- Rename/Move Folder: the changes are now applied to the current playlist.
- Added the "Reset Repetition" and "View Repetition" buttons to the bottom of the Repetition tab.
- Prevent Artist/Album/Name Repetition: the memory used by these features is now recorded in the project so that they are honored between sessions.
- Added the ability to increase the padding between the rows of the Song Table. Interface Menu > Configuration Editor > Tables > Vertical Row Padding.
- Generate From Artist: it will now automatically go to the artist that is on the current line of the Playlist, or the current row of the Song Table.
- Play Album: the currently selected album (from the Playlist or Song Table) is now pre-selected. Previously only the artist was pre-selected.
- Artist Stats: unrated songs will no longer affect the artist's average rating, nor the average rating of albums.
- Artist Stats: the number of unrated songs is now displayed.
- Artist Stats: when the album or song rating is tied, the number of picks is now the tiebreaker.
- Play Selections: the chosen songs now influence the Repetition Prevention feature.
- Copy Songs: in a previous operation, if the song already existed and the user chose "Keep Both", DJ Jukebox will now look for the renamed song, and correctly treat it as "already exists".
- Search and Replace: if the file cannot be renamed, the error is now reported.
- While in Server Mode, you may now right click on the taskbar/tray icon and choose "Exit".
- Song Table: Paste Files: added support for unicode characters in a filepath.
- Before entering Server Mode, if changes have been made to the project, the user will be asked if the project should be saved.
- Store Playlist: there is now a drop-down list of all the current playlist names. This is convenient if you wish to replace an existing playlist.
- Copy Songs: the log is now written to a file so that there is no chance that it will exhaust memory.
- Select Certain Songs: added support for unicode characters.
- Use Non-Default Media Player: added support for unicode characters.
- Override Playlist Location: added support for unicode characters.
- The /PS command line switch now supports unicode characters.
- Find All Songs: the default system music folder now appears in the list of search locations.
- Locate Song In Table: focus is now set to the Personal column instead of Song Filename.
- An error is now reported if DJ Jukebox cannot launch the media player.
- "Listen For Remote Commands" has been renamed "Enter Server Mode".
- Fixed: rarely, balloon help was not appearing promptly, or not at all.
Version 18.0 (December 28th, 2015)
- Added support for unicode characters in the song filepath, commercial filepath, playlists, and stored playlist names. However please note that older versions of DJ Jukebox cannot open projects saved by this version.
- Improved the appearance of icons. Changed from 8-bit GIF's to higher resolution 32-bit PNG's. Many icons have been redesigned.
- Numerous improvements to the project backup system.
- Play Album: it will now automatically go to the artist that is on the current line of the Playlist, or the current row of the Song Table.
- The "Play Unrated Song" tool will now influence the repetition prevention feature.
- Artist Statistics: the total number of picks for each album is now listed.
- Artist Statistics: tied rankings are now noted.
- Artist Statistics: added a splitter.
- Import From iTunes: added support for the old "iTunes Library.xml" file.
- When dropping files on the Songs Table, .db, .m3u8, .txt, and .nfo files are now ignored.
- When clicking the "Remote" checkbox on the toolbar, it will no longer take input focus.
- Auto-Rename: this option is now checked by default for new projects.
- The "Customize Toolbar" window now allows you to change the toolbar size.
- Fixed: the "/one" switch was being ignored if a project filepath was specified.
- Fixed: a DLL injection security vulnerability.
- Fixed: some pairs of characters, in certain fonts, were displayed too close together.
- Fixed: a rare but serious problem could cause a window to render incorrectly.
- Fixed: when both name and artist/album repetition were employed, some songs could be unnecessarily prevented.
Version 17.0 (April 20th, 2015)
- Added the "Favor Fresh Songs" feature.
- The toolbar now has labels under each icon.
- Numerous improvements to the "Artist Stats" tool. It now lists the artist's rank by average rating.
- Copy Selected Songs: if the file already exists, the user is now given the option of skipping, overwriting, or keeping both.
- Top 25: added the "Most Picked Songs" list.
- Generate From Artist: you may now specify the number of songs to be generated. Previously, this was determined by the "Playlist Length" setting.
- The "Import Songs From iTunes" tool is now careful to not create a duplicate if the imported song is already in the Song Table.
- Added the "Play Selections Increments Picks" option to the Options menu.
- The "Play Unrated Song" tool will now increment the Picks column.
- Added the "Drop: Ignore Non-Audio Files" option to the Options menu. Previously there was no way to disable this feature.
- When launching the Artist Stats tool, it will now automatically go to the artist that is on the current line of the Playlist, or the current row of the Song Table.
- Table Filter: pressing Enter will now apply changes to the filter, even if the filter is already enabled.
- Copy Selected Songs: added the "Remove Track Numbers" option. This is useful when you are copying the highest rated songs to a portable music player.
- The "Rename/Move Folder" tool will now automatically fix some common mistakes in the new path, such as spaces before or after a backslash.
- The "Rating Importance" feature is now a more accurate calculation. Previously it was rounding the rating to the nearest integer.
- The "Play Fresh Song" tool will now obey Artist/Album/Name repetition prevention.
- Added a "Print" button to the Top 25 window.
- Added the /ONE command line switch, which will prevent a new instance from being created if DJ Jukebox is already running.
- The Artist/Album/Name repetition prevention now carries over from one playlist generation to the next.
- The "Edit Tags" tool now has a hotkey, F4.
- The "Add Files To Song Table" tool has been renamed "Browse For Songs".
- The "Clear Playlist" tool can now appear on the toolbar, although it is hidden by default.
- If "Set Custom No-Repeat Count" is unchecked, the automatic setting is now one tenth the table size. Previously it was one third.
- Moved the two import tools to the File menu.
- Numerous improvements to the first-time greeting. It now uses icons instead of buttons, and has added an "Import From iTunes" icon.
- Removed the "Add Row" button from the bottom of the Song Table. This tool is almost never used, but is still available on the context menu.
- The trial period has been extended from 30 to 60 days.
- Fixed: using the mouse wheel to cycle through the Quick Search field was only cycling between the top two entries.
- Fixed: Browse For Songs: even if the Songs tab is not active, the Song Table's cell editbox would appear.
Version 16.0 (April 2nd, 2014)
- Added the "Artist Stats" tool, which will display various statistics about a selected artist.
- Added the "Import Songs From iTunes" tool.
- Redesigned the project backup system. Instead of making just 1 backup, now up to 20 are kept. Added the "Restore project backup" tool to the File menu.
- Improved the "Open Project" speed.
- Various improvements to the Edit Tags tool. Added support for .M4A, .WMA, and .APE files.
- Added the "Search/Previous" tool to the Search menu. Before this it was not possible to search in the reverse direction.
- Added the "Play Immediately" option to the "Generate From Artist" window.
- Added the "Total Album Picks" chart to the "Top 25" tool.
- The "Find All Songs" tool is now much faster and uses less memory. It will also report the number of songs it has examined while it is working.
- Minor interface improvements.
- Added the "Validate Playlist" tool to the playlist's context menu.
- Added the "Open File" option to the context menu of the "Use Non-Default Media Player" and "Override Playlist Location" fields.
- The "Generate From Artist" window will now remember the previously selected artist.
- The /KEYS command line switch can now be used with the /P and /GPS switches.
- The Play Album tool will now increment the Picks column.
- Added the "Deselect All" tool to the Song menu.
- Added the "One Instance Only" option to the Options menu.
- Improved the format of the "Top 25" report.
- Added the ability to bookmark your location in the Song Table.
- Redesigned the Default skin. The old skin was renamed "Air".
- Search tool: the "Auto-Rename Files" option is now disabled unless the Replace Occurrences box is checked.
- When revising a Quick Search, the Search String field is now populated correctly, and all other options are unchecked.
- Aborting the "Find All Songs" tool is now immediate.
- Added the Alt+Delete hotkey for the "Delete File" tool.
- A tab can now be selected by pressing Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, etc.
- The F4 hotkeys for searching have moved to F6 to avoid a conflict.
- Added the "System Tools" launcher to the Interface menu.
- After toggling the "Table Filter" box, input focus will automatically go back to the Song Table.
- The "Remote" checkbox is now visible on the toolbar by default.
- The "Randomize Playlist" tool has been renamed "Shuffle Playlist".
- Fixed: a few menu options were not available to place on the toolbar.
- Fixed: sometimes the volume scrollbar was not automatically resyncing after a remote command was successful after prior failures.
Version 15.0 (April 30th, 2013)
- Major interface improvements. Improved all skins.
- Added the "Table Filter" to the Songs tab. This allows you to hide rows that do not contain a given substring in the Song Filename column.
- Added the "Song" menu. Some of these tools could previously only be accessed by right clicking on the Song Table.
- When sending keystrokes, if the window caption is not an exact match, a matching substring is now looked for. This makes it easier to find media players that put the title of the song in the caption.
- Added a "Revise" button to the Search tool's "No occurrences found" window.
- When running a global Search and Replace operation on the Song Table, changes are now applied to all Stored Playlists, provided that "Replace All" is checked and "Prompt on Replace" is unchecked.
- Numerous improvements to the help file.
- The "Play Selections" and "Append Selections" tools will now obey the same order that the songs appear in the Song Table. Previously, the Song Table's unsorted order was used.
- Added the "Terminate" option to the "Auto-Start Project" tool.
- The "Detect MAC Addresses" tool now displays each adapter's name.
- The "MAC Address" field is now tolerant of dashes and colons.
- The "Adapter IP" drop-down list now refreshes each time that it is opened.
- More tools are now available to be put on the toolbar.
- After clicking a checkbox, input focus is now given to the next editbox, if appropriate.
- When dropping files on the Songs Table, .cue, .log, and .md5 files are now ignored.
- After product activation, the user is now given the opportunity to download and install a free upgrade to the latest version.
- The "Test Server" tool's list of MAC addresses is now deduplicated.
- CD Ripper: updated the LAME MP3 encoder from version 3.98.4 to 3.99.5
- CD Ripper: improved the way the verification phase resolves mismatches.
- CD Ripper: the Explore button on the log window was opening the parent folder, not the folder where the files were actually ripped to.
- The Play Playlist tool will now prompt the user to generate a playlist if the current playlist is empty.
- The "Rename/Move Directory" tool was renamed "Rename/Move Folder". The "Directory Deletion" setting was renamed "Folder Deletion". All references to "directories" have been changed to "folders".
- Fixed: the state of the volume scrollbar was not always obeying the "Volume Affects Device" setting.
- Fixed: the default keystroke settings for VLC player should now find the VLC window on Windows Vista/7/8. Added "Jump Back" and "Jump Forward" buttons.
- Fixed: corrected the window class for Windows Media Player. Added a "Close" button.
- Fixed: when dragging the volume scrollbar, the server was slow to react.
- Fixed: possible inability to read the volume from the server.
- Fixed: various tools: a joined song could possibly have the wrong default path attached (to songs after the first).
Version 14.2 (May 7th, 2012)
- Improved the Default skin.
- Added the "Use .M3U For Single Files" box to the Details tab. You may uncheck this box so that single files are not played as part of a playlist, but instead by the program that is associated with their file extension.
- Added the /KEYS command line switch, which will send keystrokes to the media player.
- Changed the window class for Windows Media Player. This allows remote keystrokes to work properly with newer versions of WMP.
- Before listening for remote commands, the "Use Remote Jukebox" box will now be automatically unchecked.
- CD Ripper: increased the default MP3 bitrate from 192 to 320. Changed the spike threshold from 4000 to 6000.
- Fixed: possible failure (error 10061) to send commands to the server (since 14.1).
Version 14.1 (April 10th, 2012)
- Major interface improvements.
- The "Prevent Name Repetition" feature will now ignore the track number at the beginning of the song filename in order to improve accuracy.
- The "Select Certain Songs" tool will now report the number of rows that were selected. Also, the "Bad Songs" box is now checked by default.
- The "Find All Songs" tool is now faster and uses less CPU time.
- The tools on the Remote menu can now be used even if "Use remote jukebox" is unchecked.
- The "Copy Songs" tool now alphabetizes the song list.
- Fixed: the "Adapter IP" field was not always displaying the correct name for the adapter (in the drop down list).
Version 14.0 (August 25th, 2011)
- Major interface improvements, too many to list. Added support for Aero Glass (Vista/2008/7). Improved appearance, layout, margins, skins.
- The set of tabs have been replaced by a row of buttons.
- Added the "Shell Integration" tool to the Options menu. This allows the user to integrate DJ Jukebox with the operating system's shell. If enabled, when right clicking on a song file (in File Explorer), there will be a menu option named "Play with DJ Jukebox". Selecting this menu option will cause DJ Jukebox to launch, play the song, and terminate. The song is played in accordance with a project's media player settings, namely "Use Non-Default Media Player" and "Use Remote Jukebox".
- Added the "Auto-Start Project" tool to the File menu. This is used to launch DJ Jukebox when the computer boots up.
- Added a graphical banner to the top of various windows.
- Added the "/PS" command line switch, which plays a specified song using a specified project's settings.
- Added the "Remote" checkbox to the toolbar, although it is hidden by default. This checkbox serves the same purpose as "Use Remote Jukebox" on the Remote tab.
- Added a high resolution shell icon for Vista/2008/7.
- CD Ripper: added the "Verify Audio Data" ripper option. When enabled, the audio data is read twice so that bad data can be repaired.
- CD Ripper: added the "Remove Spikes" ripper option. When enabled, the ripper will fix radical volume spikes that are indicative of corrupt data. Such spikes can actually damage speakers.
- CD Ripper: added the ability to display the ripped audio data in a window.
- CD Ripper: added the "Refresh CD" option to the File menu. This will reload the track information from the CD.
- CD Ripper: album and track info is now applied to WAV files.
- CD Ripper: the user is now asked if they want to add ripped tracks to the Songs Table.
- When the "Auto-Rename" feature renames a song, the change is now automatically applied to all stored playlists.
- The user may now drag and drop one or more media files onto the window caption icon. DJ Jukebox will instruct the media player to play them.
- The trial is now fully functional, but limited to 30 days.
- Numerous improvements to the help file. Added a chapter on Stored Playlists.
- The "Find All Songs" and "Add Files To Song Table" tools now include .WAV files.
- The "Picks" column is now editable.
- The "Normalize Filenames" tool will now remember the "Replace underscores with spaces" option.
- When editing a cell in the Song Table, the character widths in the editbox are now an exact match to the table cell.
- When using the Rename/Move Directory tool, and the old directory does not exist, the user is now asked if the operation should still alter the Song Table.
- When dragging and dropping files on the Song Table, .M3U, .GIF, .JPG, and .PNG files are now ignored. Also, files will be ignored if they are already in the table.
- When dragging and dropping files on the Playlist, the filepath of the files are now inserted into the Playlist instead of the file contents.
- When launching DJ Jukebox for the first time, the user is now offered a chance to choose the skin and font size.
- Fixed: the "Add Selections To Stored Playlist" tool was not splitting a joined song list into individual filepaths.
- Fixed: CD Ripper: selecting an entry from the "Filename Format" field's drop down list was not causing the "Destination" column to update.
- Fixed: CD Ripper: mono output was playing at half speed.
- Fixed: command line switches were not working if an instance of DJ Jukebox was already running.
Version 13.0 (November 23rd, 2010)
- Added the ability to rip a CD into MP3 files. Choose "Rip CD" from the Tools menu.
- Added the ability to perform a detailed analysis of an MP3 file. Click the "Analyze" button on the Properties tab of the Edit Tags tool.
- Added the "Play Fresh Song" tool to the Tools menu.
- Added the "Speak" tool to all editboxes.
- Added the "Favorites" tab to the help file.
- Added the "Balloon help disabled" option to the toolbar's context menu.
- Added the "Customize Toolbar" option to the Options menu.
- Added the "Skin" button to the first-time greeting.
- When the /m switch is specified, the window will no longer briefly flash on the screen.
- The MAC Address field will now keep a record of past settings in a drop-down list.
- When performing a search and replace, and prompt-on-replace is disabled, and replace-all is enabled, the total number of replacements is now reported in a popup window.
- When searching for a song in the Song Table, the progress window will only appear if half a second has elapsed.
- The Default skin now conforms with the appearance of Windows 7. The original default skin has been renamed "Experience".
- Improved the appearance of the help file. The inter-character spacing is now calculated better.
- Numerous improvements to the "Check For Update" tool.
- The Send Feedback and Report Exception features now use HTTP to deliver the information to Gammadyne. The old SMTP method is only used as a fallback if HTTP fails. This is necessary because some ISP's only allow SMTP to their own mail servers.
- The "Detect MAC Addresses" tool will now de-duplicate the list.
- If a remote command fails, but another remote command later succeeds, the volume scrollbar will now automatically sync.
- When dragging and dropping files on the Song Table, desktop.ini and thumbs.db are now ignored.
- Fixed some minor incompatibility issues with Vista/2008/7. This includes the volume control not working problem because Microsoft changed the behavior of waveOutSetVolume().
- Fixed a potential crash if the "Find All Songs" window is minimized.
Version 12.0 (June 2nd, 2010)
- Added the ability to read and write a song's meta tags. Right click on a song in the Song Table or Playlist and choose "Edit Tags".
- Commands are now sent to the remote server in a background thread. This ensures that the user interface remains responsive.
- Added the "Paste Files" tool to the context menu of the Song Table and Commercials Table. This will add files and/or directories that have been copied to the clipboard.
- Added the "Edit File List" button to the Copy Selected Songs window.
- Added the "Copy", "Save", and "Exit" buttons to the bottom of the "Top 25 Artists/Albums" tool.
- Added the "Copy" and "Save" buttons to the bottom of the "Print Song List" tool.
- Added the "Line-break after each album" option to the "Print Song List" tool.
- Added the "FAQ's" option to the Help menu.
- The "Auto-Rename" feature will now work with a joined song list (i.e. multiple songs on one row separated by semi-colons).
- Changes made by the Rename Directory tool are now applied to all stored playlists.
- The Search/Replace dialog will now remember the past 25 search and replace strings in a drop-down list.
- Numerous interface improvements.
- The open/save file dialog will now use the operating system style enhancements.
- The Quick Search drop down list is no longer alphabetized, and is now limited to the last 100 entries. After long periods of use, this list could grow excessively large.
- The "List All Bad Songs" window is no longer modal.
- Improved the installer's appearance.
- The first-time greeting window now has a banner across the top.
Version 11.0 (October 26th, 2009)
- Most icons have been replaced or improved.
- Added the "Generate From Artist" tool to the Playlist menu. This generates a playlist of songs from a single artist of the user's choice.
- Added keyboard defaults for BS.Player and VLC Player.
- Numerous improvements to the "Find All Songs" tool.
- Added the "Convert Extension To Lower Case" and "Reduce Spaces" options to the "Normalize Filenames" tool.
- Numerous interface and skin improvements.
- Redesigned the first-time greeting window.
- Added the ability to hide any column in the Song Table. Right click on the table, and choose Table Options > Hide Columns. This makes the "Show 'Picks' Column" option on the Options menu redundant, and therefore it has been removed.
- The "V" at the top of the volume scrollbar has been replaced with an icon. To mute the volume, click on this icon. The checkbox below the volume scrollbar has been removed.
- Added the "Edit Configuration File" option to the context menu for the media players combobox on the Keystrokes folder.
- Added the ability to drag and drop a .JBP project file from File Explorer onto the window caption. This will open the project.
- Improved the organization of the Remote folder.
- Restored support for Windows 95.
- The "Save Playlist" feature has been renamed "Store Playlist".
- Numerous improvements to the installer. An exception is now added to the Windows Firewall. The installer and uninstaller will now automatically close DJ Jukebox and the help file.
- Fixed: the /m switch was being ignored if no project filepath was specified.
- Fixed: the first-time greeting was not appearing.
Version 10.0 (January 19th, 2009)
- Added the ability to customize the order and visibility of the toolbar icons. Right click on the toolbar and choose "Customize".
- Added the "Play Random Unrated Song" tool.
- Added the "Volume affects device" setting to the Details branch. This allows the user to control which audio device is affected by volume changes.
- Added the "Add selections to saved playlist" tool.
- Added the "Hibernate Server" and "Suspend Server" tools to the Remote menu.
- Added the "Confirm server shutdown" option to the Options menu.
- Combined the "Remove Underscores" and "Remove Track Numbers" tools into the new "Normalize Filenames" tool, which adds the ability to rename songs to lower, upper, sentence, or title case.
- Moved the "Playlist Length" and "Rating Mode" fields to the Details folder.
- The three radio buttons on the Repetition folder have been replaced by two checkboxes.
- DJ Jukebox's main executable is now digitally signed.
- Hotkeys are now listed in the Help file and in toolbar balloon help.
- Numerous interface improvements.
- Numerous improvements to the installer.
- Fixed: an error could occur when the "Use Remote Jukebox" box is checked.
Version 9.1 (September 22nd, 2008)
- The help file's Search feature will now highlight all occurrences of the keyword.
- The installer is now digitally signed.
- Fixed a bug that prevented all options on the Table Tools menu from working.
Version 9.0 (July 25th, 2008)
- Balloon help has been totally revamped. The balloon help text for each control has been evaluated and improved.
- Numerous improvements to the help file.
- Added the "Multiply Ratings" tool.
- Added the "Initialize Volume" setting.
- When a project is opened, if a remote server is specified, the volume scrollbar is synchronized with the volume on the server. This is done in a background thread so that an unresponsive server has no negative effect.
- Added the ability to control which network adapter broadcasts the Wake On LAN packet.
- Added a checkbox to the "Ratings Importance" setting.
- Added the "Copy", "Save", and "Print" buttons to the bottom of the "Bad Songs" report.
- The "Auto-Find" button at the bottom of the Song Table was replaced with the "Delete File" button.
- Improved the "Test Server" tool.
- Improved the "Detect MAC Addresses" tool.
- The startup sound will not play until after the "Listen when project is opened" feature takes effect.
- The startup sound will not play if there are command line parameters.
- Settings on the Details folder are now grouped into categories.
- Fixed: selecting and copying text in the help file did not always work properly.
- Fixed: rare crash during installation (since 8.3).
Version 8.3 (March 12th, 2008)
- Numerous user interface improvements. Please press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F5 to reset SystemG, then reload your preferred skin.
- Improved icons and icon rendering.
- Added the "Metal" skin.
- The installer will now warn if it does not have admin rights. It will also attempt to loosen the security settings on the installation directory (to prevent problems with Vista).
Version 8.2 (August 16th, 2007)
- Fixed a bug in the Song Table when shift+clicking. The value from the original cell was getting stored in the cell that was clicked on.
- Updated the Free Space icons.
Version 8.1 (July 31st, 2007)
- Numerous user interface/skin improvements. The "Default" skin has been redesigned to match the appearance of Windows XP.
- Numerous improvements to the help file.
- The Rename Directory tool no longer requires the "Preview" button to be clicked first.
- Added the "Help" option to the bottom of the Options menu.
- Selected rows of the song table are now highlighted in all columns, not just the Song Filename column.
Version 8.0 (November 6th, 2006)
- Added the "Test" button to the "Resolve Server Name" setting.
- Added the "Detect" button to the "Wake On LAN" setting.
- All interface fonts are now antialiased by default. The setting to control this is located at: System-G Menu > Configuration Editor > Controls > Font > Antialias.
- Added the "Play Album" icon to the toolbar.
- Improved project opening speed.
- Improved and added skins (please reload your current skin).
- Improved icons.
- The "Top 20" tool is now "Top 25".
- The "Test Server" tool will now report the MAC address of all networking adapters.
- The "Play Album" tool will now remember the window position.
- Fixed a potential problem with the taskbar button disappearing when loading a large project.
Version 7.1 (March 6th, 2006)
- Added the ability to perform offline product activation.
- Fixed a possible inability to connect to the Product Activation Server (when using a proxy server).
Version 7.0 (February 24th, 2006)
- Added support for the new Gammadyne Product Activation System.
- Added the "Play Album" tool.
- Added Print Preview for the "Print Song List" tool.
- Added the "Copy song list to clipboard" tool to the Song Table's context menu.
- Added the "Set rating to 0" tool to the playlist's context menu.
- Added the "Directory Deletion" setting to the Details folder.
- Added a progress window while searching the Song Table.
- Added a notice window while opening a project.
Version 6.0 (May 24th, 2005)
- Added the "Find Duplicate Songs" tool.
- Added the "Select Certain Songs" tool.
- Added the "Minimum Rating" setting to the Details folder.
- Added the "/GPS" command-line switch, which will generate a new playlist, play it, then save the project.
- The "Test Remote Connection" tool is now performed in a background thread. A progress window is now displayed, allowing the user to abort the test at any time.
- The "Discard Nonexistent Songs" tool will now report a detailed log of the songs that were discarded.
- Eliminated the need for GHELP.EXE. The main application executable will now handle displaying the help file. This reduces the size of the installer by about 400 KB.
- The "Copy Selected Songs" tool will now work correctly with multiple songs listed on one row.
- Numerous minor improvements.
Version 5.2 (December 14th, 2004)
- Added the ability to specify a number of songs for the artist, album, and name repetition prevention.
- Added the ability to export and import the contents of the Song Table and Commercial Table with .CSV files.
- Button icons now have a transparent background.
- Improved the speed of Song Table searching.
- Fixed a problem with the default position of the "Rename/Move Directory" window.
- Numerous minor improvements.
Version 5.1 (August 18th, 2004)
- Added numerous menu and button icons.
- Added the "Open Containing Folder" option to the Song Table's context menu.
- The "Import songs" option has been moved to the Tools menu, and is now described in the help file.
- Server connection failures will now produce an English description of the error.
- Fixed a problem with the help file's "Index" folder not working correctly.
- Updated to System-G version 2.3.
- Numerous minor improvements.
Version 5.0 (January 15th, 2004)
- Improved the efficiency in the way that the Song Table is stored in the project file. For a large Song Table, this results in approximately 3 times faster opening/saving and a 40% reduction in the size of the project file. The only downside is that older versions of DJ Jukebox cannot open projects saved by this version.
- Added the "Icon" column to the Keystroke table.
- Added the ability to override each individual controls' font size.
- Added the "Generate, Play, and Save" option to the toolbar and Playlist menu (the hotkey is Shift+F9).
- Added the "Show 'Picks' Column" option to the Options menu.
- Added the ability to make one commercial always follow another by listing them on the same row, separated with a semi-colon.
- Added the ability to rearrange rows in the Commercial Table and Keystroke Table by pressing Alt+Up and Alt+Down.
- Added the "Clear Playlist" option to the Playlist menu.
- Added the "Set ratings for selected songs" option to the Song Table's context menu.
- Added to the "Remove track numbers" and "Remove underscores" tools the ability to preview the changes, and selectively ignore certain songs.
- Added to the "Find All Songs" tool the ability to specify what types of media files are searched for.
- Added a number of menu icons.
- The "Find All Songs" tool is now performed in a separate thread so that if the user aborts the operation, it aborts immediately.
- The +/- keys can now be used to change the value in the Personal and Party columns.
- Updated the default keystroke configuration for the newest version of Windows Media Player.
- Updated to System-G version 2.2.
- Numerous minor improvements.
Version 4.1 (February 4th, 2003)
- Added support to System-G for interface "skins". We strongly recommend that you try some of the new skins on the "Skins" submenu of the "System-G" menu.
- Added to the "Top 20" statistics a ranking of albums by total points.
- Numerous minor improvements.
Version 4.0 (October 3rd, 2002)
- Added a new Help file system. This system has the following advantages over the old Windows Help System:
- The entire help file can be printed at once, instead of by topic only.
- When printed, the page number that a hyperlink is pointing to will be printed.
- Unprecedented control over how the document is printed, including base font size and margins.
- Hyperlinks to web pages and email addresses are now supported.
- The keyword search supports full search expressions, such as:
"mail server" and (smtp or pop3) and -dns - Added the "Commercials" folder.
- Added to the "Keystroke" folder support for Winamp 3.0.
- Added to the "Top 20" statistics a ranking of which artists have the most total rating points.
- Added the "Discard nonexistent songs" tool.
- Added "Browse" and "Help" buttons to the "Find All Songs" tool.
- Added a welcome window that is displayed the first time DJ Jukebox runs. It will offer to run the "Find All Songs" tool.
- Improved appearance of toolbar icons. Added icons to menus.
- The registration number is now held in a file named "juke-reg.ini" instead of the registry.
- Numerous improvements to the Help file.
- Numerous improvements to System-G.
- The "Find All Songs" tool will now look for .MP2 and .WMA files as well as MP3's. It will also now truncate the log if it becomes excessively long.
- The shareware warning is now only reported once.
- Fixed a problem with the "Print Song List" tool mishandling Joined Songs.
- Fixed a problem with the "Find All Songs" tool crashing when the operating system returns an invalid filename.
Version 3.3 (February 6th, 2002)
- Added to the "Check For Update" feature the ability to automatically download and install the new version.
- Added the "Minimize when * clicked" option to the Options menu.
- The auto-rename feature will now automatically remove spaces that occur at the beginning and end of the filename. If the filename is surrounded in quotes, these will be removed as well.
- The Media Player Keystroke Buttons are now displayed below the drawer instead of at the bottom of the Playlist folder.
- The uninstaller will now clean up the registry.
- Fixed a bug with loading System-G color schemes.
Version 3.2 (December 28th, 2001)
- The "Find all songs" tool will now remember the previous location(s) where songs were searched for.
- The Auto-Rename feature will now automatically remove spaces that occur immediately after a backslash.
- After deleting or auto-renaming a song, if the original directory is empty, DJ Jukebox will ask if you would like to delete it.
- Fixed a bug that caused excessive CPU usage while listening for remote commands.
- Previously, to add a System-G setting, source code had to be written in about 25 different locations. New settings can now be added by writing just 2 lines of code. The bad news is that old .SGC and .GCS files are no longer compatible with the new scheme. The good news is that the new .SGS files that replace .SGC and .GCS files are plain text, not a proprietary binary format. This means that .SGS files can be easily edited using Notepad. To prove that these changes are worthwhile, the following settings have been added:
- Enhanced 3D borders
- Borderless checkboxes
- Borderless radio buttons
- Show balloon help on captions
- Minimize on double click
- Sizable window border thickness
- Static window border thickness
- Black window edge
Version 3.1 (August 20th, 2001)
- Added the "Reboot Server" feature.
- Added the "Auto-Find" button to the bottom of the Song Table (as a shortcut to the "Find all songs on drive" tool).
- A search of the song table will now automatically continue at the beginning so that the entire table will be searched..
- When a string is chosen from the Quick Search's drop down list, the search will now be performed immediately.
- The F10 key will now continue the Quick Search.
- Fixed problems when both the "/L" command line switch and the "Listen when project is opened" features are used together.
Version 3.0 (June 1st, 2001)
- Added the "Resolve server name" feature which allows you to specify the jukebox server by name.
- Added a mechanism that allows the jukebox server to store its IP address in a file where client jukeboxes can find it. This is useful when the server has a dynamic IP address.
- Added the "Copy selected songs" tool.
- Added the "Print song list" tool.
- Added the ability to control the default rating of unrated songs.
- Added the "/m" command line switch which will minimize DJ Jukebox's window.
- Added the "Remove underscores" tool.
- Added a description to the help file about sending remote commands to a DJ Jukebox server from other applications.
- Added the "Remote" menu.
- When DJ Jukebox is listening for remote commands, it will now terminate automatically when the system shuts down.
- Numerous Help File improvements.
- The "Top 10" tool is now the Top 20.
- The "Find all songs on drive" tool will now ignore the recycle bin.
- The "Test Server" feature is now on the "Remote" menu. It also now reports the server's IP address.
- Previously, the "Delete song(s) from table and drive" did not prompt for confirmation when the number of songs was less than four. Now, it will always prompt for confirmation.
- The Help button on the Search/Replace window now goes to DJ Jukebox's help file instead of the System-G help file.
- The song table is now emptied when the project is closed.
- Fixed some tab-order issues.
Version 2.1 (January 10th, 2001)
- Added the "Top 10 Artists/Albums" statistics tool.
- Playlists now contain proper CR/LF pairs instead of just carriage returns.
- Fixed a problem with playing very large playlists across a network.
- Fixed a problem with the "#EXTM3U" prefix appearing twice in a playlist when using a server.
Version 2.0 (November 26th, 2000)
- Added the toolbar.
- Added the ability to save playlists for later retrieval.
- Added the "Delete first line" option to the playlist's context menu.
- Added the "Play bad songs" option to the Details folder.
- Added the "Generate, Play, and Save" button (labeled "*") to the corner of the playlist editbox.
- Added the "Consecutive songs cannot have same name" option to the Repetition folder.
- Added the "Randomize playlist" feature.
- Added the "Wake on LAN" feature to the Remote folder.
- Added the "WOL.EXE" command line tool to DJ Jukebox's installation. This utility can send a "Wake On LAN" packet to the jukebox server.
- Added the "List bad songs" tool.
- Added the "Override playlist location" option.
- Added the Mute checkbox below the volume scrollbar.
- Added the "Playlist" menu.
- The song table statistics are much more comprehensive. Added the "Song table statistics" option to the Tools menu.
- The "Generate" an "Play" commands now have hotkeys (F9 and F5, respectively).
- Numerous System-G improvements.
- After the playlist is generated, you can now use the Undo feature of the editbox to restore the previous playlist.
- The "Play Selections" button will now work when input focus is in the "Bad" column.
- The maximum shareware playlist length has been reduced to 10.
- The "Move/Rename Directory" will now properly handle the situation where the new directory is a child directory of the old directory.
- Fixed a potential access violation when switching back and forth repeatedly between folders.
Version 1.2 (May 6th, 2000)
- You may now enter a network computer's name in the "Find all songs on drive" tool. Previously, you had to list the computer name and its shared drive.
- Added the "Report free space (locally)" and "Report free space (on server)" options to the "Tools" menu.
- Added the "Remove track numbers" option to the "Tools" menu.
- Added "Windows Media Player" to the list on the Keystroke folder.
- When sorting the song table on a rating column, a distinction is now made between a blank column and a "0".
- Fixed a bug that would prevent DJ Jukebox from starting on Windows 95.
- Fixed a bug that prevented renaming a file when only the case of a letter is changing.
- The server will no longer display different messages when a command is received. For some reason, this was causing instability.
Version 1.1 (April 10th, 2000)
- Added the "Listen when project is opened" option.
- Added the "Append Selections" button to the bottom of the song table.
- The server's volume scrollbar will now reflect changes made by a client.
- The "Play Single" button has been renamed "Play Selections", and will now play all songs that are selected in the song table.
- The playlist length can now specify 4 digits instead of 3. This allows you to generate a playlist of 9999 songs.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the server to hang when receiving a remote command.
Version 1.0
- Original release March 24th, 2000
- Project began January 25th, 2000