Opt-Out Forms
It is useful to perform some validation of the submitted email address. If the email address is invalid, the problem is reported in a popup window. Insert the following code inside your <head> element:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// return true if 'e' is a valid simple email address
function validate_email(e) {
if(e.indexOf('..') >= 0)
return false;
if(e.indexOf('<') >= 0)
return false;
if(e.indexOf('>') >= 0)
return false;
if(e.indexOf('"') >= 0)
return false;
return false;
if(e.charAt(e.length - 1)=='.')
return false;
return /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/.test(e);
// validate the form
function validate() {
var s = document.ourform.email.value;
if(s==null || s=="") {
alert('Please enter your email address.');
return false;
if(!validate_email(s)) {
alert('The email address is not valid.');
return false;
return true;
Next, there is the form itself. This is where the user can enter their email address.
<form action="optout.php" method=post name="ourform" onsubmit="return validate();">
Your email address:<br>
<input size=70 maxlength=80 name=email id=email><br>
<center><input class=button type=submit value=" Unsubscribe "></center>
These fields are submitted to a PHP script named "optout.php". The following sections describe the contents of this script, depending on what type of mailing list you are using.
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
$email_len = strlen($email);
if($email_len < 8 || strpos($email, '@')==false)
die('Error: the email address is invalid.');
$file = file_get_contents('c:\example\mailing list.txt');
die('Error: failed to load mailing list.');
$file_length = strlen($file);
$found = false;
$i = 0;
while(true) {
$j = stripos($file, $email, $i);
$ch = $file[$j - 1];
if($ch=="\r" || $ch=="\n" || $ch=='<' || $ch==' ' || $ch=='"' || $j==0) {
$ch = $file[$j + $email_len];
if($ch=="\r" || $ch=="\n" || $ch=='>' || $ch==' ' || $ch=='"') {
// $k is the end of the line
$k = $j + $email_len;
while($k < $file_length) {
$ch = $file[$k];
if($ch=="\r" || $ch=="\n")
$k += 1;
$ch = $file[$k];
if($ch=="\r" || $ch=="\n") {
$k += 1;
$ch = $file[$k];
if($ch=="\r" || $ch=="\n")
$k += 1;
// move $j to the beginning of the line
while($j > 0) {
$ch = $file[$j - 1];
if($ch=="\r" || $ch=="\n")
$j -= 1;
$file = substr_replace($file, "", $j, $k - $j);
$found = true;
$i = $j;
$i = $j + $email_len;
echo 'Your email address was not found in the mailing list.';
else {
file_put_contents('c:\example\mailing list.txt', $file);
echo 'You have been removed from the mailing list.';
Replace both instances of "c:\example\mailing list.txt" with the filepath of your mailing list.
The optout.php file looks like this:
$email = strtolower($_REQUEST['email']);
$email_len = strlen($email);
if($email_len < 8 || strpos($email, '@')==false)
die('Error: the email address is invalid.');
// open the database
try {
$db = new PDO("odbc:Test", "root", "mypassword");
catch(PDOException $e) {
echo "Failed to open database.\r\n" . $e->getMessage();
// find every occurrence
$rows = array();
$sql = "SELECT pkey, email FROM `test mailing list` WHERE email LIKE '$email'";
foreach($db->query($sql) as $row) {
array_push($rows, $row['pkey']);
if(count($rows) <= 0)
die('Your email address was not found in the mailing list.');
// delete each occurrence
foreach($rows as $row) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM `test mailing list` WHERE pkey=$row";
if(!$db->query($sql)) {
echo "<pre>Failed to unsubscribe.\r\n";
echo "</pre>";
echo 'You have been removed from the mailing list.';
Make the following replacements in the above script:
Replace This | With This |
my_dsn | The name of the ODBC Data Source. This must be created in the ODBC Administrator under the "System DSN" tab. |
my_user | The user name required for database authentication. |
my_password | The password required for database authentication. |
my_table | The name of the table that holds the mailing list. |
my_email_column | The name of the column that holds the subscriber's email address. |
my_name_column | The name of the column that holds the subscriber's name. |
<a href="http://example.com/optout.php?email=[[_email]]">Unsubscribe</a>
This example assumes you are using Gammadyne Mailer. If not, replace [[_email]] with the appropriate merging tag that contains the recipient's email address.
It's also a good idea to put the same URL in a List-Unsubscribe header, like this:
List-Unsubscribe: <http://example.com/optout.php?email=[[_email]]>
Some email clients will use that header to provide the recipient with another method of unsubscribing. It's better to make it easy for them, so that they do not file a complaint. Complaints lead to blacklisting.
<a href="http://example.com/optout.htm?email=[[_email]]">Unsubscribe</a>
This example assumes you are using Gammadyne Mailer. If not, replace [[_email]] with the appropriate merging tag that contains the recipient's email address.
To pre-populate the form field, you must first add the following Javascript function to the form's <script> element in the <head>:
function getUrlParams() {
var paramMap = {};
return paramMap;
var parts = location.search.substring(1).split("&");
for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var component = parts[i].split("=");
paramMap [decodeURIComponent(component[0])] = decodeURIComponent(component[1]);
return paramMap;
Then, at the bottom of the page after the </html> tag, add the following code:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// populate the 'email' parameter
var params = getUrlParams();
document.getElementById('email').value = params.email;
PHP Data Objects (PDO)
ODBC Administrator
Gammadyne Mailer
If you find a mistake, please let us know.