Gammadyne Corporation

Message Personalization

Gammadyne Mailer can personalize outgoing email with database data (or CSV data).  This feature is often referred to as "Mail Merge".  A personalized message will earn a better reception from your audience.

To merge data into an email, simply enclose the database column name inside a set of double brackets.  Following is an example:

Hello [[FirstName]]. Acme Products, Inc. just wanted to let you know about our new product that can be useful for the entire [[LastName]] household:  Super-Green-47 wallpaper cleaner. Everyone in [[City]] is talking about Super-Green-47.

Personalization with G-Merge
More advanced message personalization is possible with "G-Merge", Gammadyne Mailer's powerful built-in scripting language.  G-Merge can manipulate data in almost any way conceivable.  The versatility of G-Merge at generating complex personalized emails is unparalleled.  Here is a partial list of G-Merge's features:

  • Integrates with databases
  • IF-statements
  • Variables
  • Loops
  • Mathematical expressions
  • Date calculations and formatting
  • File read/write
  • Extensive function library
  • User-defined functions
  • Custom interfaces

G-Merge can be used to personalize the HTML Body, Text Body, Attachments, Headers, and HTML embedded images.  It can also be used in the database WHERE clause, which is used to segment the mailing list.

Conditional Bodies
The "IF" statement can control the presence of entire paragraphs of text.  Here is an example of a message that uses a conditional body:

Dear [[FirstName]],

[[if product_id = 1005]]Thank you for renting a widget.[[else]]Thank you for purchasing a gadget.[[endif]]

A package should arrive by [[date_format(order_date + 30, "MM d, yy")]]

See Also

Help file > Table of Contents > G-Merge
Video tutorial: database setup