Gammadyne Mailer can automate the duties of a List-Server. This is also referred to as a Discussion Group, Discussion List, Web Forum, Message Board, Discussion Board, or Discussion Forum. When an incoming email is received, it is remailed (forwarded) to all members of the group.
A Wizard will help configure Gammadyne Mailer for list-serving. Choose "List-Serving" from the "Wizards" menu.
Gammadyne Mailer Home Page
Incoming Email Processing
The List-Server has numerous powerful options:- Non-members can be prevented from posting messages. Or, postings can be limited to only moderators.
- Posted messages can have attachments stripped before forwarding.
- Posts can be censored for profanity and racial insults.
- Posts that are excessively large can be discarded (without being downloaded).
- The "To:" header can be changed to each member's email address. This is useful because some email clients will filter out all email that is not addressed to the recipient (as a form of spam prevention).
- The "Reply-To:" header can be changed to the email address of the List-Server. This way, replies will go to the group, not the individual who posted the original email.
- The mailing list can be located in a database or plain text file.
A Wizard will help configure Gammadyne Mailer for list-serving. Choose "List-Serving" from the "Wizards" menu.
See Also
DatabasesGammadyne Mailer Home Page
Incoming Email Processing