Gammadyne Corporation


FIREWALL.EXE is a free command line program that adds exceptions to the Windows Firewall.


FIREWALL [/aa] [/ad] [/nologo] [/pa] [/pd] [/q] [/s] [/udp] app/port [name]

app/portThe filepath to the application's executable, or the port number.
nameName of the application as it appears in the firewall manager.

/aaAdd an application exception.
/adDiscard an application exception.
/paAdd an port exception.
/pdDiscard a port exception.
/nologoDon't display the program banner.
/sReport the firewall's status.
/qSuppress all output.
/udpFor port exceptions, allow the UDP protocol instead of TCP.

Example, adding an application exception

firewall /aa c:\work\foo.exe "Acme Utility"

Example, discarding an application exception

firewall /ad c:\work\foo.exe

Example, adding a port exception

firewall /pa 14337 "Acme Utility"

Example, discarding a port exception

firewall /pd 14337


  • firewall.exe must have admin rights to manipulate the firewall.
  • This utility does not work with other firewalls, only the one built into Windows.


Click the button below to download version 2.0 of FIREWALL.EXE, released October 24th, 2016.