Gammadyne Corporation

CSV Editor Pro Screenshots

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The main window.
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In multiline editing mode, with warnings visible.
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With a simple filter applied (see the toolbar).  More advanced filters are supported, such as search engine style ("new york" -city), conditionals (state=delaware), and regular expressions (\p{Sc}\d*\.?\d*).
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The Preferences window.
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CSV Editor Pro can open files that don't adhere to the CSV standard.
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Data in the CSV file can be displayed as a graph.  The X-axis is time or numerical.  The Y-axis is a numeric total.
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A histogram can also be generated.  This is good for representing an accumulation of numeric data.
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A pie chart can be generated from the CSV data.
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When pasting rows, you can choose how the clipboard columns map to the CSV columns.
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Cells on one or more rows can be shifted left or right.